Judy moody Wiki

Rockett "Rocky" Zang is Judy Moody's classmate and member of the TP Club. He does magic tricks on the bus to and from school. He wants to be a magician when he grows up. He has a pet iguana named Houdini. He is played by Garrett Ryan in the live-action film version.


  • Judy Moody - Rocky's friend. They cross China and Japan together.
  • Stink Moody - Judy's younger brother. He is often friends with Rocky too.
  • Frank Pearl - Judy and Rocky's friend. They usually hang around everywhere, including Stink.
  • Amy Namey - Judy's classmate who interviews Rocky and Frank at lunch in Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days.
  • Jessica Finch - Judy's friend and sometimes enemy. She, Rocky, and Frank trick Judy into thinking that the teacher's pet guinea pig, Peanut, has babies in Judy Moody: The Doctor Is In!


  • Houdini - Rocky's pet iguana. When something scares him, his tail drops off.


  • In Judy Moody, Rocky picks up a toad and it pees on him after Judy.
  • In Judy Moody Gets Famous!, Rocky brings Houdini to the Fur 'n' Fangs Pet Contest, and dances the congo with Judy, Frank, and Stink.
  • In Judy Moody Saves the World!, Judy and Rocky eat bananas and put the skins into the compost to save the rainforest.
  • In Judy Moody Declares Independence, Judy tells Rocky all about her holiday in Boston.
  • In Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days, Rocky and Frank sit next to Amy at lunchtime. Later in the book, Rocky and Judy fall out after the accident of Amy's paper mache globe and not talk to each other.
  • In Judy Moody Goes to College, Judy sits next to her "peeps" Rocky and Frank at lunchtime.
  • In Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer (same as the movie), Rocky goes to circus camp to do magic tricks, walks on a tightrope, and saw someone in half.